CREATIVE BiTES #245: The path from ​zero to 6000 subscribers​ on Substack
3 days ago • 1 min readDaily bites of ideas, tools, and resources about writing and monetizing at scale with AI Why being too niche is actually an advantage The path from zero to 6000 subscribers on Substack 5 things you need to know before creating your first product Get more from me: Substack is THE place to be right now! Get my FREE 10-Day Crash course on how to set up Substack and gain your first 1000 subscribers Become an affiliate and earn 30% from every sale Work 1:1 with me: book a free call Not interested...
READ POSTCREATIVE BiTES #243: How NOT to ​grow an audience​ (and what to do instead)
5 days ago • 1 min readDaily bites of ideas, tools, and resources about writing and monetizing at scale with AI How NOT to grow an audience (and what to do instead) How to turn your expertise into a Substack bestseller 3 Insights from $551K in Coaching Sales in 2024 Get more from me: Substack is THE place to be right now! Get my FREE 10-Day Crash course on how to set up Substack and gain your first 1000 subscribers Become an affiliate and earn 30% from every sale Work 1:1 with me: book a free call Not interested in...
READ POSTCREATIVE BiTES #242: You don't need to ​write about Subtsack​ to succeed on Substack
6 days ago • 1 min readDaily bites of ideas, tools, and resources about writing and monetizing at scale with AI You don't need to write about Subtsack to succeed on Substack How Substack and Kit can work together for your growth Make Substack growth effortless Get more from me: Substack is THE place to be right now! Get my FREE 10-Day Crash course on how to set up Substack and gain your first 1000 subscribers Become an affiliate and earn 30% from every sale Work 1:1 with me: book a free call Not interested in...