CREATIVE BiTES #206: ​Easy trick to make people read your stories
about 20 hours ago • 1 min readDaily bites of ideas, tools, and resources about writing and monetizing at scale with AI Easy trick to make people read your stories How he got 541 new subscribers in 48 hours How to turn content into profit [must-watch video] Get more from me: Wanna start a newsletter? Get my FREE 10-Day Crash course on how to set up Substack and gain your first 1000 subscribers Become an affiliate and earn from selling my offers Missed an issue? Check them all here Not interested in growing your audience...
READ POSTCREATIVE BiTES #203: ​The real "​secret​" to overnight success writing online
4 days ago • 1 min readDaily bites of ideas, tools, and resources about writing and monetizing at scale with AI The real "secret" to overnight success writing online 7 things Substack bestsellers do differently How to position your Substack to add $2k in recurring revenue Get more from me: Wanna start a newsletter? Get my FREE 10-Day Crash course on how to set up Substack and gain your first 1000 subscribers Become an affiliate and earn from selling my offers Missed an issue? Check them all here Not interested in...
READ POSTCREATIVE BiTES #202: ​The ​weirdest way​ to gain 100+ subscribers in a week
5 days ago • 1 min readDaily bites of ideas, tools, and resources about writing and monetizing at scale with AI The weirdest way to gain 100+ subscribers in a week 14 Substack bestsellers share their #1 tip for growth Must have skills to actually make money from writing Get more from me: Wanna start a newsletter? Get my FREE 10-Day Crash course on how to set up Substack and gain your first 1000 subscribers Become an affiliate and earn from selling my offers Missed an issue? Check them all here Not interested in...
READ POSTCREATIVE BiTES #201: ​Great writing isn't enough (​why most writers struggle​)
6 days ago • 1 min readDaily bites of ideas, tools, and resources about writing and monetizing at scale with AI Great writing isn't enough (why most writers struggle) Making $8,650 in 4 days selling a course 3 small improvements for higher conversion rate on Substack Get more from me: Wanna start a newsletter? Get my FREE 10-Day Crash course on how to set up Substack and gain your first 1000 subscribers Become an affiliate and earn from selling my offers Missed an issue? Check them all here Not interested in...